The Hidden Link Between Trauma and Money Mistakes
Child abuse. Warfare. Domestic Violence. Assault. A devastating accident. Loss. Divorce. If you have endured one or more life-threatening events, you may be more likely to make destructive money decisions. Researchers discovered that post-traumatic stress alters the way a person thinks and reacts to situations, including financial behavior. If you are making negative money choices, especially those hurling you into arrears, and you believe it might be due to past trauma, there are ways you can change course. Trauma’s neurological impact Traumatic events can lead to compulsive and destructive economic behaviors. The root of this phenomenon, he says, is the impact that trauma has on the brain. According to Psychology Today, these are not conscious, deliberate actions. Traumatic experiences cause our brain to overreact. They force us into a stress mode where we are compelled to take action as a protective measure. In my work as Life Development Coach...