
Showing posts from September, 2017

Inside out- -Turning Negative THOUGHTS Into POSITIVE BELIEFS!

  We have the ability to create our own reality. For the most part, we can look at a situation and see the good or we can look at the same situation and choose to see the bad. Often times the lens we use to view what’s happening is filtered by our thoughts. Positive thoughts create more positive circumstances. Alternatively, negative thoughts contribute to feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment. Therefore, changing our negative thoughts is essential to achieve happiness and peace. The following are the most common negative thinking behaviors. Becoming aware of these is essential to transforming negative thoughts into positive beliefs. Stay away from “all-or-nothing” thinking. When we slip into “all-or-nothing” thinking we see our circumstances as either black or white with not much in between. By shifting to someplace in the gray, a fresh perspective is created that helps us to realize more options do exist. To lead an emotionally healthy life we need to have balanc

Go back to your first love...

I tried to please my parent. I tried to please my siblings. I was kind to a fault. I tried to fit into the box they constructed around me, but I was too big to be contained. I spent too much of my life as a people pleaser. When I was abused beginning at age five, I knew not to speak out of the box. I nearly suffocated in my box of fear, silence and abuse. 📢 False truth, I was made to believe I an Expendable Disposable child. I have been kind to people all my life...participating into my own self-destruction. 📣 Today, being kind to myself means speaking my TRUTH and being present for other survivors when they need kindness. I will continue to be kind... with the focus on myself and survivors. 💛 a6ad516df1694e74405f072abc3c7e28693115469cbcd20452