
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Gifts of Forgiveness

If we’re interested in living the freedom that we know is possible, we're asked to look at all the ways we keep ourselves separate from it.  And for some of us, one of those ways is to live in regret of our past actions. Here’s the scenario. Whether you intended to or not, you’ve done something that hurt someone else or yourself, and you just can’t let yourself off the hook. You can’t stop repeating the story of what you think you did wrong in your mind, convincing yourself that you’re damaged and unworthy. It’s like you’ve created a movie of what happened, and you keep pushing play—over and over. And the images of what you did and the choices you made recycle in your mind nonstop. If this is what’s happening to you, something needs to change for you to come to peace. If you continue to punish yourself and believe that you’re bad to the core, you’ll live in this shame forever. So how to release yourself from the prison of feeling bad about your past...