Honor Your Emotions

Part One:. Breaking Family Karma Holding in Emotions and being the emotional hostage. Modern culture is turning our power off. We are cut off from how we really feel. We are stuck in the small mass-produced box, but the real world is bigger than that, much much bigger. Use your senses - they'll uncage you. In our predominant culture, being emotional gets a bad name, as if it makes you less capable, reliable or desirable once you feel your feeling. We translate being emotional to overly dramatic or temperamental. The truth is that emotions themselves are not a burden – they are energy that ebbs and flows like the seasons and ocean and many others things that are completely natural. The problem only occurs when we bury, oppress, or deny our emotions; those blocked, stagnant, neglected waves will haunt us in unexpected manners – just because we choose not to engage with our feelings, it does not mean that they were not there… “One thing in life you can’t hide- is...