In the Wake of Weiner
The auditions were harsh and the requests even more difficult. I showed up to a modeling job interview only to find a pompous SOB sitting behind the desk giving me the once over, to walk the imagined runway to sit on his lap. I didn't want to believe that just being who I was, was enough. It was enough, yet no one told me or the pompous SOB!
I had power and to scream out, to refuse his advances and to report him. That was my final interview for Vogue.
His advances scarred me. I lost my power but now I am super again just because I see others who may end up where I was. So I run back down the road I got off of so many years ago, just to scream!!!!!!
I am enough and I don't deserve your grooming or abuse.
I can be a woman the sexual being I was born to be... and so can you.
My story is this story....
The depiction of these girls is not prudish, but it’s also not fraught with a kind of anxiety that seems to hold young girls implicitly responsible, by the very fact of their bodies, for the heavy-breathing interest of older men.
Article by LARA ZARUM NOVEMBER 24, 2017

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