Are You a motivational or inspirational speaker?

A motivational speaker or inspirational speaker?  Which one are you or which one do you want to hire?  

A motivational speaker rejuvenates employees and delivers encouragement that is meant to increase productivity, amplify sales, decrease employee burn out and boosting positivity in the customer service department. The motivational speaker will most likely teach you important tools on how to achieve a specific goal and then propel you to act immediately on your goal. They motivate employees and leadership in an effort to boost efficiency as well as bring excitement to your team. Motivational speakers offer a solution based consulting and help organizations have the right positive mental attitude to get the job done effectively.

Motivation is about being focused on. It’s the “how” as in how are we going to accomplish the goal in the short term? Inspiration is your “why” and taking action on it. It’s long-term and pulls you into a greater perspective regarding your life. Inspiration makes your heart sing, is effortless, excites you and fulfills your soul. Motivation pushes you and inspiration pulls you towards your life’s purpose or your natural calling in life. 

Inspirational speakers deliver keynote speeches that move your spirit from pain to progress to success. The speaker will have gone through some major life battle and most likely overcame incredible adversity. Their inspirational story connects with and encourages the audience to look at their own life through a different lens and see where they want to make positive changes. Those changes may come through inner strength, inner peace, healing, spirituality or forgiveness. Inspiration through other’s desperation can light a fire in your own life and help you transform it in a positive way.

The inspirational keynote speaker inspires you to be the hero of your own world, to take responsibility for the direction of your life and to speak faith that your story is not over. They inspire you to turn your test into a testimony and your mess into a message, as well as be a conductor of hope for others. Inspirational speakers inspire you to tap into your life calling and have a vision of where you see yourself in 1 year, 5 years and 20 years. They focus on the end result versus immediate satisfaction and instant gratification. Inspirational speakers inspire self-confidence and help you bring significant meaning to your purpose.

Edna is both she motivates and inspires an audience to change. Contact her for your next event.


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