Prosperous Life

Most people desire a prosperous life. They want to experience prosperity in all areas of life in terms of opportunities, resources, relationships, love, kindness, money, etc.

When you desire something you are in tricky territory. Your desire can either be ego-driven or soul-driven. And when you are desiring a financially prosperous life, the conversation can get even murkier.

Here's what I mean.

When you think of terms of wanting greater prosperity in your life so
that you can finally have the things you don't currently have, then you
have just created an ego-driven goal.

Going down this path leads you to a path of being focused on what you don't have.
When you do this, you disconnect from your soul space and move out of alignment.
The result is your mind goes into overdrive trying to solve a problem
instead of assuming what you desire is already on its way.

So instead of moving into a place of manifestation which is soul-driven, you move into a place of problem-solving which is ego-driven.

When you are grounded in the identity of BEING prosperous, there is no problem to solve. And you open yourself up to receiving a greater flow into your life. That flow includes prosperity in all aspects of your life.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more money and more opportunities in your life. From a spiritual perspective, the very definition of our spiritual evolution calls for you to expand. When you expand you make space to receive MORE. And when you are in alignment, you become magnetic to attract more into your life of what you truly desire.

So where do goals fit into this equation? Is it okay to set a goal of wanting a specific monetary increase in your life through your career or business or investments without coming from a place of lack?

Absolutely. However, setting goals BEFORE you start from a prosperous state is putting the cart before the horse. It can trigger you into a place that makes your life more difficult instead of a place of ease and flow.

The state of prosperity is more than just a state of your mind. It's a mind/body/soul connection. AND it is an ongoing practice.

Goal setting is a one-dimensional exercise.

Living a prosperous life is a multidimensional practice of mind/body/soul awareness that brings you so much more than prosperity in your finances. 

It also brings you inner peace, confidence and continual blessings.


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