Handling Negative Criticism

We've all had that one someone that always Negative criticism does not only hurt emotionally but can also hurt your interests, or about what you are interested in…

Most negative criticisms are not even true. 

They are often more of first response by, people who don't really know about your situation.

Even if the criticism is technically true, it’s not worth paying attention to.

John Maxwell said that life is 10% of what happens to me, and 90% of how I react to it.

Negative criticism calls attention to what we may or may not be weak at.

If someone was to tell me that I will never be a great writer because I can't spell. I would have to say… “yes”, it's true that I can't spell. But that’s what spell check is for. 

And I may never be the best writer out there, but as long as I can get my point out there, I'm good to go.

If we spend our time improving our strengths, they will overshadow any weaknesses anyway.

I think it’s important that when we hear criticism we need to remember that it may be coming from a person who is having their own troubles. 

If it is infuse coming from someone who actually doesn’t want you to succeed then that is a whole other story that really has nothing to with you.

Ignoring criticism is not always easy. However, it is a great goal.


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